Unlock Your Potential with NovaLux Learning Hub

multi colored pencils on pink surface

About NovaLux Learning Hub

NovaLux Learning Hub supports students of all ages and backgrounds, empowering them to succeed in education
love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man
love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

Our Vision

At NovaLux Learning Hub, we see our students as lifelong learners who seek knowledge at whatever stage of life they're in. We support students from all walks of life with everything they need to make progress and be successful. We advocate for what students and families need at every stage of their educational journey.

Our Philosophy

At NovaLux Learning Hub, we believe that intervention and advocacy are paramount for student success.

Meet the Team

Anahit and Brian have been educators for over 20 years. Anahit is a school/educational psychologist with 20+ years of experience working with all grade levels and ages of students and their families. Brian is a Specialized Academic Instructor, working in that capacity for the last 19+ years, guiding and teaching students who have unique learning needs.